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Présentation générale

Almost every morning, I meet a few things on the street, which I somehow and necessarily have to drag into my workshop. I always liked to collect old stuff, which I then re-arranged in the sense of Marcel Duchamps objets trouvés. A passion for craftsmanship and the conviction that you can achieve a lot with what you already have, without systematically buying new ones, challenge me. I want to find practical solutions for abandoned objects that yearn for a new life with patina. As patchwork families emerge, I try to create new stories from the ruins of the time. And as if I had to prepare a dish for a king and a queen exclusively with what I have just in the refrigerator. These art-objects are therefore unique, mostly made of wood, plexiglass and / or metal.

1961: born in Vevey, Switzerland.

1980: Accademia di Teatro Dimitri (CH)

1992: London Film School (GB)

2012: selfmade “Furniture upcycler” in Berlin 2 children

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