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ÁBBATTE is a firm dedicated to crafting exquisite handmade textiles from the finest natural fibers, with designs that celebrate the inherent structural beauty of the materials.

Each piece is meticulously woven, one at a time, in the serene setting of the Cistercian Abbey of Santa María de la Sierra. Local artisans bring every creation to life with care, precision, and attention to detail.

The abbey also serves as a center for learning, hosting seminars, workshops, and conferences that explore the worlds of textiles, fashion, and color.

ÁBBATTE was founded with the intention to create textiles that stand the test of time and incite the senses to appreciate the subtleties of nature.

We employ traditional, forgotten techniques to produce quality, one of a kind pieces that will last a lifetime, whilst transmitting a sense of serenity and wellbeing. By using only natural yarn, we allow the intrinsic beauty and elegance of nature to shine through in each and every one of our pieces.

We try our best to maintain and promote the use of traditional textile techniques through our workshops and dedication to handcraft.
We create artistic objects for daily life, by creating objects that we love.

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