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Etablissement de Chant-Viron


Etablissement de Chant-Viron uses both conservation-restoration and traditional craftsmanship as bronzier of art. We work on behalf of an institutional clientele (museums and historical monuments) or a private one (antique dealers and decoration professionals).
The specificity of our company lies in the high requirement we demonstrate in terms of processes and techniques, as well as in the choice of supplies.

As art restorers, graduates of the National Institute of Heritage – Institut National du Patrimoine, we are approved by cultural institutions. We work on isolated works as well as on collections during large-scale projects. Our fields of activity are monumental statuary, artworks, extra-European art, armaments, technical and scientific objects, old showcases.

As bronziers (bronze workers) we hold an indisputable traditional knowledge and know how shared by a small number of companies. In recognition of our skills, the company has been labeled a « Living Heritage Company » – Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant.
Our creation and manufacture activities include both historic and contemporary pieces. We are able to care for all types of metal work and composite objects and have a wide range of artisan and industrial subcontractors to help realize client’s needs.

Soclage is the art of creating object specific supports, made to measure, for exhibition or storage of artworks which guarantee their good long-term preservation. Such systems must be discrete and reversible.
Object security involves the fabrication of mechanical devices that help prevent the theft of exhibited works. The mounts are specifically made for each individual piece to allow perfect integration with the artwork. The systems are non-invasive and visually unobtrusive.

We bring to luminaires the same care as to recognized artworks, without forgetting the constraints of their use. We provide logistics services, including operations with difficult access. We have tailor-made supplies to offer the best solution in electrification and energy-saving lighting (LED).
We also produce luminaire elements such as chains, cowl covers and offal. The richness of our stock in old and historical crystal is an incomparable asset. We can make replicas in glass or crystal as well.

The multidisciplinarity of our workforce allows us to respond with professionalism and adequacy to the needs of the projects we lead. This experienced and complementary team has participated in many interventions in museums and heritage sites.

We have a studio offering all the safety and security guarantees (specific insurance, alarms, remote surveillance 24h / 24h). We have all the necessary equipment for the smooth running of operations.
Our company has equipment and materials for conservation-restoration and manufacture as well.
We have complete equipment for photographic reprography.
Intervening on handling operations, we have all the equipment needed to lift heavy elements.

La société Etablissement de Chant-Viron dispose d’une approche mixte en conservation-restauration d’œuvres métalliques et d’un savoir-faire artisanal traditionnel en tant que bronzier d’art. En conciliant recherche historique, innovation et exigence en matière de techniques et fournitures, elle est spécialisée dans la restauration et la restitution de luminaires, ainsi que dans la restauration d’œuvres d’art et d’objets métalliques. L’entreprise travaille pour le compte d’une clientèle institutionnelle (musées et monuments historiques) ou privée (antiquaires, professionnels de la décoration).

En tant que restaurateur d’œuvres d’art diplômé de l’Institut National du Patrimoine, l’Etablissement de Chant-Viron est agréé par les institutions culturelles, au titre de la loi musée. En tant que fabricant, elle détient un savoir-faire traditionnel indiscutable ; à ce titre, la société a été labellisée « Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant », gage de reconnaissance de ses compétences.

L’Etablissement de Chant-Viron prend en charge l’ensemble des travaux portant sur le métal et fait appel aux compétences expérimentées et complémentaires de son équipe lorsqu’il s’agit de restaurer le verre, le bois ou le textile. Elle apporte aux luminaires le même soin qu’aux œuvres d’art, sans perdre de vue les contraintes d’usage. L’entreprise s’efforce de restaurer à l’identique grâce à son stock de pièces d’origine et matières premières. Elle s’appuie également sur la recherche historique et les procédés innovants pour la reproduction de luminaires ou d’éléments manquants.

Etablissement de Chant-Viron uses both conservation-restoration and traditional craftsmanship as bronzier of art. We work on behalf of an institutional clientele (museums and historical monuments) or a private one (antique dealers and decoration professionals).
The specificity of our company lies in the high requirement we demonstrate in terms of processes and techniques, as well as in the choice of supplies.

As art restorers, graduates of the National Institute of Heritage – Institut National du Patrimoine, we are approved by cultural institutions. We work on isolated works as well as on collections during large-scale projects. Our fields of activity are monumental statuary, artworks, extra-European art, armaments, technical and scientific objects, old showcases.

As bronziers (bronze workers) we hold an indisputable traditional knowledge and know how shared by a small number of companies. In recognition of our skills, the company has been labeled a « Living Heritage Company » – Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant.
Our creation and manufacture activities include both historic and contemporary pieces. We are able to care for all types of metal work and composite objects and have a wide range of artisan and industrial subcontractors to help realize client’s needs.

Soclage is the art of creating object specific supports, made to measure, for exhibition or storage of artworks which guarantee their good long-term preservation. Such systems must be discrete and reversible.
Object security involves the fabrication of mechanical devices that help prevent the theft of exhibited works. The mounts are specifically made for each individual piece to allow perfect integration with the artwork. The systems are non-invasive and visually unobtrusive.

We bring to luminaires the same care as to recognized artworks, without forgetting the constraints of their use. We provide logistics services, including operations with difficult access. We have tailor-made supplies to offer the best solution in electrification and energy-saving lighting (LED).
We also produce luminaire elements such as chains, cowl covers and offal. The richness of our stock in old and historical crystal is an incomparable asset. We can make replicas in glass or crystal as well.

The multidisciplinarity of our workforce allows us to respond with professionalism and adequacy to the needs of the projects we lead. This experienced and complementary team has participated in many interventions in museums and heritage sites.

We have a studio offering all the safety and security guarantees (specific insurance, alarms, remote surveillance 24h / 24h). We have all the necessary equipment for the smooth running of operations.
Our company has equipment and materials for conservation-restoration and manufacture as well.
We have complete equipment for photographic reprography.
Intervening on handling operations, we have all the equipment needed to lift heavy elements.

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