Mad’in Europe SCRL
Cooperative Company with Limited Liability (SCRL)
116 rue Berckmans,
1060 Brussels (Belgium)
The portal, its format and its content are the exclusive property of Mad’in Europe SCRL, 116, rue Berckmans, 1060 Brussels (Belgium). Unless otherwise stated, all content, images, graphics, and text on this website are protected by intellectual property rights held by Mad’in Europe SCRL.
Marie Adelaide Benvenuti
Managing Director
Belgian Data Protection Authority
Rue de la Presse, 35, 1000 Brussels (Belgium)
+32 (0)2 274 48 00
Marie Adelaide Benvenuti
Managing Director
Website design and development by Miko Digital (Digital Tribe SASU)
Director : Michael Gérard, web developer
Belgium : +32 (0)4 378 64 07
France : +33 (0)6 05 56 31 50 (mobile)
Website hosting is provided by Infomaniak Network SA
Rue Eugène Marziano 25
1227 Les Acacias, Geneva (Switzerland)
Commercial register of the canton of Geneva: CH-660.0.059.996-1
ID number : CHE-103.167.648
VAT: CHE-103.167.648