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La Paix-Dieu - Centre des métiers du patrimoine

General presentation

The Centre des métiers du patrimoine “La Paix-Dieu”, run by the Agence wallonne du patrimoine (AWaP), is dedicated to preserving and passing on knowledge and know-how in the field of architectural heritage and ancient buildings. Based on the site of the former Paix-Dieu abbey in Amay (Liège province, Belgium), the centre organises a range of awareness-raising, training and information activities for a wide and varied audience, from the very young to the highly specialised. The centre also provides administrative support for the joint Master’s degree in conservation and restoration of built heritage, which brings together five French-speaking universities and one French-speaking college.

The Paix-Dieu abbey was founded in the middle of the 13thcentury , when a community of Cistercian nuns, initially based in the Hesbaye village of Oleye, settled on the site in 1244. The surviving Mosan Renaissance-style buildings date from the 17th and 18th centuries. The conventual part was seriously damaged after it was sold as national property in 1797. In 1995, the Walloon government decided to create a “Centre for Heritage Professions”. In 1997, the Region acquired ownership of the former convent buildings, with the exception of the farm and infirmary. A vast restoration campaign was then scheduled. Initiated by the Region’s Heritage Division, it continues under the aegis of the Walloon Heritage Institute, which has managed the Centre since it was set up in 1999.

More about AWaP :
Wallonia’s heritage is a shared heritage. It concerns everyone. Since 1988, the management of Wallonia’s built cultural heritage has been the responsibility of the Walloon Public Service, and since 2018 it has been the responsibility of the AWaP (Walloon Heritage Agency), itself the result of the merger of two institutional bodies: the Walloon Heritage Institute (IPW) and the Heritage Directorate of the SPW. On behalf of the community, the staff ensure that this heritage is preserved and maintained in a high-quality built and natural environment. In addition to the AWaP’s main tasks (excavating, protecting and restoring), there are two other equally important missions: training and raising awareness among as wide a public as possible.

Le Centre des métiers du patrimoine « La Paix-Dieu », de l’Agence wallonne du patrimoine (AWaP), a la vocation fondamentale de préserver et de transmettre les savoirs et savoir-faire dans le domaine du patrimoine architectural et du bâti ancien. Installé sur le site de l’ancienne abbaye de la Paix-Dieu à Amay (province de Liège, Belgique), le centre organise différentes activités de sensibilisation, de formation et d’information qui touchent un public large et diversifié, des plus jeunes aux plus spécialisés. Le centre assure également le suivi administratif du master de spécialisation conjoint en conservation et restauration du patrimoine culturel immobilier regroupant cinq universités et une haute école francophones.

La fondation de l’abbaye de la Paix-Dieu remonte au milieu du XIIIe    siècle, lorsqu’une communauté de moniales cisterciennes, initialement installée dans le village hesbignon d’Oleye, s’établit sur le site en 1244. Les bâtiments de style «Renaissance mosane » conservés datent des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. La partie conventuelle a subi d’importantes dégradations après sa vente comme bien national en 1797 et la dispersion des religieuses. En 1995, le Gouvernement wallon décide d’y créer un «Centre des métiers du patrimoine». Dès 1997, la Région acquiert la propriété des anciens bâtiments conventuels, à l’exception de la ferme et de l’infirmerie. Une vaste campagne de restauration est alors programmée. Entamée par la Division du Patrimoine de la Région, elle se poursuit sous l’égide de l’Institut du Patrimoine wallon qui gère le Centre depuis sa création effective en 1999.

En savoir plus sur l’AWaP :
Le patrimoine de Wallonie est un héritage commun. Il concerne tout le monde. Depuis 1988, la gestion du patrimoine culturel immobilier est réalisée par le Service public de Wallonie et reprise depuis 2018 par l’AWaP (Agence wallonne du Patrimoine), elle-même issue de la fusion de deux organismes institutionnels : l’Institut du Patrimoine wallon (IPW) et la Direction du Patrimoine du SPW. Au nom de la collectivité, les agents assurent la pérennité de ce patrimoine et veillent à son maintien dans un environnement bâti et naturel de qualité. À côté des  grandes missions de l’AWaP (fouiller, protéger, restaurer), deux autres missions tout aussi primordiales viennent s’ajouter : former et sensibiliser un public le plus large possible.

El Centre des métiers du patrimoine “La Paix-Dieu”, gestionado por la Agencia Valona del Patrimonio (AWaP), se dedica a preservar y transmitir conocimientos y técnicas en el ámbito del patrimonio arquitectónico y los edificios antiguos. Situado en el emplazamiento de la antigua abadía de Paix-Dieu, en Amay (provincia de Lieja, Bélgica), el centro organiza diversas actividades de sensibilización, formación e información dirigidas a un público amplio y variado, desde los más jóvenes hasta los más especializados. El centro también presta apoyo administrativo al máster conjunto en conservación y restauración del patrimonio cultural inmueble, que reúne a cinco universidades francófonas y un colegio francófono.

La abadía de Paix-Dieu se fundó a mediados delsiglo XIII, cuando una comunidad de monjas cistercienses, inicialmente instalada en el pueblo hesbayano de Oleye, se instaló en el lugar en 1244. Los edificios de estilo renacentista mosano que se conservan datan de los siglos XVII y XVIII. La parte conventual quedó gravemente dañada tras su venta como propiedad nacional en 1797. En 1995, el gobierno valón decidió crear un “Centro de Profesiones del Patrimonio”. En 1997, la Región adquirió la propiedad de los edificios del antiguo convento, a excepción de la granja y la enfermería. Se programó entonces una amplia campaña de restauración. Iniciada por la Dirección del Patrimonio de la Región, prosigue bajo los auspicios del Instituto del Patrimonio Valón, que gestiona el Centro desde su creación en 1999.

Más información sobre AWaP :
El patrimonio de Valonia es un patrimonio compartido. Nos concierne a todos. Desde 1988, la gestión del patrimonio cultural construido de Valonia es responsabilidad del Servicio Público Valón, y desde 2018 es responsabilidad de la AWaP (Agencia del Patrimonio Valón), a su vez resultado de la fusión de dos organismos institucionales: el Instituto del Patrimonio Valón (IPW) y la Dirección del Patrimonio del SPW. En nombre de la comunidad, el personal garantiza la conservación y el mantenimiento de este patrimonio en un entorno construido y natural de alta calidad. Además de las misiones principales de la AWaP (excavar, proteger y restaurar), hay otras dos igualmente importantes: educar y sensibilizar a un público lo más amplio posible.

Il Centre des métiers du patrimoine “La Paix-Dieu”, gestito dall’Agenzia vallona per il patrimonio (AWaP), è dedicato alla conservazione e alla trasmissione di conoscenze e saper-fare nel campo del patrimonio architettonico e degli edifici antichi. Con sede nel sito dell’ex abbazia di Paix-Dieu ad Amay (provincia di Liegi, Belgio), il centro organizza una serie di attività di sensibilizzazione, formazione e informazione per un pubblico ampio e variegato, dai giovanissimi agli esperti. Il centro fornisce inoltre il supporto amministrativo al Master congiunto in conservazione e restauro dei beni culturali edilizi, che riunisce cinque università francofone e un’università francofona.

La storia
L’abbazia di Paix-Dieu fu fondata a metà del XIII secolo , quando una comunità di monache cistercensi, inizialmente con sede nel villaggio di Hesbaye di Oleye, si stabilì sul sito nel 1244. Gli edifici superstiti in stile rinascimentale mosano risalgono al XVII e XVIII secolo. La parte conventuale fu gravemente danneggiata dopo la vendita come proprietà nazionale nel 1797. Nel 1995, il governo vallone ha deciso di creare un “Centro per le professioni del patrimonio”. Nel 1997, la Regione ha acquisito la proprietà degli edifici dell’ex convento, ad eccezione della fattoria e dell’infermeria. È stata quindi programmata una vasta campagna di restauro. Iniziata dalla Divisione Patrimonio della Regione, prosegue sotto l’egida dell’Istituto del Patrimonio Vallone, che gestisce il Centro dalla sua creazione nel 1999.

Per saperne di più su AWaP :
Il patrimonio della Vallonia è un patrimonio condiviso. Riguarda tutti. Dal 1988, la gestione del patrimonio culturale inamovibile della Vallonia è stata di competenza del Servizio pubblico vallone e dal 2018 è di competenza dell’AWaP (Agenzia del patrimonio vallone), nata dalla fusione di due enti istituzionali: l’Istituto del patrimonio vallone (IPW) e la Direzione del patrimonio dell’SPW. Per conto della comunità, il personale assicura la conservazione e il mantenimento di questo patrimonio in un ambiente costruito e naturale di alta qualità. Oltre alle missioni principali dell’AWaP (scavare, proteggere e restaurare), ve ne sono altre due altrettanto importanti: educare e sensibilizzare il pubblico più vasto possibile.

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Built heritage: professions in short supply and career opportunities
  • La Paix-Dieu - Centre des métiers du patrimoine
  • Flexible dates
CHILDREN’S RIGHTS” ACTION This initiative pursues the objective of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child on non-discrimination (encouraging children with a preference for technical and vocational sections of education and training) and that of providing training in the shortage of built heritage trades and job opportunities. In the company of educational facilitators, […]
  • La Paix-Dieu - Centre des métiers du patrimoine
  • Flexible dates
EDUCATIONAL OFFER FOR ADULTS TEACHERS, BACCALAUREATE HOLDERS AND HERITAGE MEDIATORS – COMBINED PACKAGES Complementary to the +16 offer, this combined package directly integrates a restoration worksite on an external site. Students discover the reality of a restoration site while learning from a professional in the field of conservation of built heritage. New for 2022In addition […]
  • La Paix-Dieu - Centre des métiers du patrimoine
  • Flexible dates
EDUCATIONAL OFFER FOR ADULTS TEACHERS, SCHOOL LEAVERS AND HERITAGE MEDIATORS – COMBINED PACKAGES For a full day, children can go behind the scenes of history at two exceptional heritage sites, the Château de Jehay and the Abbey de la Paix-Dieu, where particular attention is paid to heritage trades and the restoration of the site’s church. […]
Carpenter, Ceramist - Potter - Ceramic Turner, Engraver on crystal and glass, Restorer of mosaics, Stone cutter
  • La Paix-Dieu - Centre des métiers du patrimoine
  • Flexible dates
EDUCATIONAL OFFER (ADULT TEACHERS, BACCALAUREATE HOLDERS AND HERITAGE MEDIATORS) – COMBINED PACKAGE From September to June This activity gives your pupils the chance to discover the former Paix-Dieu abbey on a fun tour and to work with a craftsman in a real workshop. Another day is devoted to exploring the heritage of their village or […]
  • La Paix-Dieu - Centre des métiers du patrimoine
PRIMARY AND SECONDARY LEVELS (September to June)Duration: 3 to 4 days (boarding or day school*) The spearhead of the centre’s educational activities, the heritage and trades awareness classes offer a programme of discovery activities and workshop work. First, your pupils explore the site and its buildings and meet professionals from the sector. Observation assignments, hands-on […]
  • La Paix-Dieu - Centre des métiers du patrimoine
PRIMARY AND SECONDARY LEVELS (September to June)Duration: 4 or 5 days (boarding or day school*) Pupils are invited to take part in a workshop to find out more about heritage professions. They will explore and develop their independence and critical faculties as they carry out their work. They experiment with teamwork and collaboration. They develop […]
  • La Paix-Dieu - Centre des métiers du patrimoine
ADULT TEACHERS, BACADUATES AND HERITAGE MEDIATORS (September to June) Duration: 1 to 4 days (boarding or day school*) Are you a teacher interested in heritage and its professions? This module is for you. By offering you training courses tailored to your prerequisites and knowledge, it creates a dynamic that aims to open you up to the techniques […]
Blacksmith, Carpenter, Mason, Metal engraver - carver - chaser - drypoint or copperplate printer - guillochage, Painter & Decorator of surfaces, Roofer, Slate roofer, Stained Glass maker and/or restorer, Stone cutter
  • La Paix-Dieu - Centre des métiers du patrimoine
ADULT TEACHERS, BACCALAUREATE HOLDERS AND HERITAGE MEDIATORSDuration: 1 to 4 days (residential or non-residential*) This module enables students to learn about heritage through a theoretical and practical approach. Based on the concepts of heritage and restoration, students follow a tailor-made course, designed especially for them around a particular material, skill, know-how, question or project. All […]
Blacksmith, Carpenter, Gilder on glass or china, Gilder on metal, Gilder on wood - restorer of gilded wood, Mason, Painter & Decorator on wood, Stained Glass maker and/or restorer, Stone cutter
  • La Paix-Dieu - Centre des métiers du patrimoine
PRIMARY AND SECONDARY LEVELS (September to June)Duration: 4 or 5 days (boarding or day school*)In collaboration with Construform, a skills centre dedicated to the construction industry Pupils have the opportunity to learn about the techniques involved in restoring built heritage. This activity enables them to discover the heritage aspect of their future profession by working […]
  • La Paix-Dieu - Centre des métiers du patrimoine
EDUCATIONAL OFFER PRIMARY AND SECONDARY LEVELS (September to June)Duration: 1 to 4 days (boarding or day school*) This activity encourages the development of observation skills, inventiveness and independence. A fun and active visit to the former Paix-Dieu abbey gives pupils the chance to discover the past and present of this place steeped in history. This […]

Recruitment: Trainers (2024-2027)

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