Describe your profession, with details on products, services, expertise and know how.
Sempre gostei e a minha vida sempre foi na costura, mas chegou a uma altura que a costura parou. Tive um carinho muito grande pelo artesanato, de bainhas, bordados, faço aquilo que eu gosto. Nas bainhas abertas, consoante a altura que se quer tem de se cortar os fios. Eu gosto de coisas difíceis. Fazer as uvas na vindima deu-me pica. Os nossos trabalhos são em conjunto.
What materials do you use? Where and how you purchase them?
Describe the techniques, the tools and the materials you use in your work.
What is your “ideal” client’s profile?
At what age and under what circumstances did you start this job?
Where and how long have you been trained before you were ready to start your own business? In a training institute, with a craftsman or both? What do you think is the best way to learn your job today? Schools, training with craftsmen …?
What role do “talent” and “creativity” play in your profession?
And what about innovation, what are the changes since you started? Do you use new materials, tools, or processes in manufacturing and marketing? What is the impact of innovation on your performance? How could your profession be even more innovative?
What is the best way to learn your profession?
What is your message to younger generations who might choose your profession?