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The International Platform for Art Research and Conservation Ltd (IPARC) is a multidisciplinary platform of expertise offering services in all areas of restoration and conservation.
A team of highly qualified professionals each bringing a specialist area of expertise to the platform works on old and modern masters, contemporary art, wood, polychromy, stone, metal, textile, paper as well as visual media.

IPARC has deliberately adopted a cooperative business model, in order to make the best use of the know-how and expertise of its partners and with a view to establishing a sustainable operational approach for the future. The restoration and conservation of works of art is a particularly intensive process in which not only knowledge and experience, a methodological framework and professional ethics are crucial; so too is the training of subsequent generations.

IPARC partners also bear in mind the long term and collective solidarity within the undertaking. The various artistic disciplines are each led in a responsible way by a partner with more than 10 years of relevant professional experience; decision-making within the cooperative is taken on the basis of equality. There is a particular emphasis, moreover, on openness, transparency, honesty and social responsibility.


ICM – IPARC INTEGRATED CONTAMINATION MANAGEMENT – Ecological solutions to decontaminate art objects
In museums and collections worldwide, there are two related and interlinked problems threatening art works and heritage objects for which ICM and IPARC are offering ecological solutions: infestation by insects and biocides residues. Insects can damage objects made of organic material to a point of complete destruction if undetected or if no action is taken. Most of biocides are now forbidden in Europe but for years substances such as Arsenic, Mercury, Naphthalene, PCP, DDT, Lindane have been widely used to fight insect and fungi attacks. Tens of millions of objects are contaminated and expose people who are in contact with them to severe illness.

La SRL International Platform for Art Research and Conservation (IPARC) est une plateforme de connaissances multidisciplinaire qui offre des services en matière de restauration et de conservation.
Avec son équipe composée de restaurateurs ayant chacun leur propre domaine de spécialité, IPARC travaille sur des œuvres de maîtres anciens et modernes, des objets d’art contemporain, du bois, des œuvres en polychromie, de la pierre, des métaux, du textile, du papier et des médias visuels.

L’entreprise IPARC a résolument opté pour la forme de la coopérative afin de valoriser le savoir-faire et les idées de ses associés et de pérenniser la gestion durable de la société pour l’avenir. La restauration et la conservation d’objets d’art et un travail de très longue haleine qui exige à la fois des connaissances et de l’expérience, un cadre méthodologique et une déontologie irréprochable mais également une démarche de formation au profit des générations futures.

Les partenaires d’IPARC ont développé une vision à long terme et une solidarité au sein de l’entreprise. Si les diverses disciplines artistiques sont menées de main de maître par un spécialiste du domaine fort de plus de 10 ans d’expérience professionnelle, le processus décisionnel relève du principe de l’égalité prônée par le système de coopérative. De plus, une attention toute particulière est accordée à l’ouverture, la transparence, l’intégrité et la responsabilité sociale.

The  International Platform for Art Research and Conservation bv (IPARC) is a multidisciplinary knowledge structure that offers services in the field of restoration and conservation.
A team of qualified restorers, each with a specialism, works on old and modern masters, contemporary art, wood, polychromy, stone, metal, textiles, paper and visual media.

IPARC consciously opted for the cooperative business form in order to valorize the know-how and expertise of the partners and to perpetuate them for the future in the interests of sustainable business operations. The restoration and conservation of works of art is a very intensive work process in which knowledge and experience, a methodological framework and deontology, but also training and knowledge transfer to the next generation(s) are paramount.

IPARC partners have an eye for the long term and joint solidarity within the company. The various artistic disciplines are each responsibly led by a partner with more than 10 years of relevant professional experience, whereby the principle of equality is applied to the decision-making processes in the cooperative. Furthermore, great importance is attached to openness, transparency, honesty and social responsibility.


ARTICLE : Restoration by IPARC of the Art-Nouveau furniture, designed by Victor Horta for the…

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