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Kurtiak i Ley


Creative artistic bookbinding
How should books be bound to achieve creative and magical results?
What key factors should be taken into account when binding and rebinding?
Why is it so important in binding to harmonize covers with books?
Our artistic bindings are made to match with where and when the action happens or when it was written. Creating our bibliophile bindings, we pay special attention to contents, thoughts and ideas found in the book. If parts of the book are in harmony with each other, the book becomes more friendly, irresistible and interesting.

We design, print and bind books in limited editions that are numbered and never republished. Unique and rare books rise constantly in value as time goes by. People who are opportune to possess these prestigious books are proud of them.

Our books are ideal and made to suit the epoch, interest, idea and feelings of the writer, which helps us interpret their work properly. As a result, it creates an overall picture giving a feeling of the poet or writers’ presence whilst reading their work. In addition, we use genuine and noble materials, for example leather, vellum, wood, silk, jacquard, precious metals, precious stones etc. as well as different colours and forms. These bring you closer to authors. Books made of natural materials with patience and creativity are more valuable and irresistible. They are nice to hold and give one good feelings at any given time.

We do fine printing, using special types of letters, which goes with the epoch of that piece of work.

A variety of papers are also used, especially hand made papers which can sometimes be made with special fibers, flowers or leaves. All these are related to the customs and interests of the writers or poets. Some specific books are perfumed with special fragrances.

Our artistic hand made books are designed individually and exclusively. It creates a magical relationship that makes the book more useful and friendly; contents, thoughts and ideas are better assimilated. It can also be used for interior decoration. In other words, our books are multi-purpose and very rewarding.

Konserwacja dzieł sztuki, a w tym i książek jest zajęciem żmudnym, wymagającym niezwykle wszechstronnej wiedzy, praktyki i umiejętności. Nasza artystyczna pracownia introligatorska od 1989r. naprawia cenne starodruki, które odzyskują w niej swoją młodość i urodę.

Przez lata starodruki z Pomorskiej Akademii Pedagogicznej przechodziły kuracje konserwatorskie w naszej introligatorni artystycznej. A wszystko musi być tak zrobione by nie było widać, że coś było robione.

Wielu kolekcjonerów powierzało nam swoje starodruki, a niektóre po reperacji dostawały nowe oprawy introligatorskie. Tak właśnie często robią introligatorzy francuscy, oprawiając na nowo starodruki dla Biblioteki Narodowej w Paryżu. Często bowiem starodruki nie mają oryginalnych opraw z epoki, gdyż przez lata poddawane były niejednokrotnym ingerencjom introligatorów. Po co więc udawać i odtwarzać nieoryginalną oprawę, skoro robi się ją współcześnie.

Podoba nam się to odważne francuskie podejście do starodruków.

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