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Fabscarte, hadpainted wallpaper, Italy



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Interview of Fabscarte, specialist in the production of hand-made and painted wallpapers. 

A Fondazione Cologni Interview

Fabscarte specialises in the production of hand-made and painted wallpapers. It was established through the joint effort of four talented craftsmen, whom we have visited in their wonderful Milanese atelier.

1. How did Fabscarte come to be?

Ars Color has been developing mural painting techniques for over twenty years; Fabscarte, which we created three years ago, is the natural continuation of this process.

2. Does this profession require a specific training?

An education in arts and crafts is essential, but even more important is to work with a master specialised in interior decoration, and to keep broadening one’s knowledge and improving one’s personality.

3. How long does it take to make a hand-made wallpaper? And what skills?

It normally takes two to three weeks to make 60 square metres of hand painted wallpaper. The skills required include an in-depth knowledge of ancient and modern pictorial techniques, commitment, meticulousness and a constant desire for improvement.

4. Which types of clients do you target?

Our clients have a great appreciation for quality products. Products with a history and that can emphasise our clients’ uniqueness through the elegance of their homes.

5. How do you reconcile your work with the new needs and trends of the market?

In a world dominated by technology, a product whose inspiring leitmotif is “conceived by hand” can meet the demand of clients for whom excellence is a status symbol.

6. Do you think that young people are fascinated and inspired by your profession?

Our activity may certainly appeal to young people endowed with a creative temperament and the desire to affirm themselves. Two fundamental features that need to be accompanied by a long and thorough training.


c/o Ars Color
Via Vincenzo Foppa, 50/A
20144 Milano
Tel.: 02 42290388



Logo Fondazione Cologni  All rights about this interview belong to Fondazione Cologni.

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