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General presentation

André Thomas was born in Ster-Francorchamps in 1939. After training as a cabinetmaker, he turned towards organ building in 1957 and worked for 7 years in a regional company. In February 1965 he started his own workshop in his native village, while making sure of continuing his traning by study trips abroad. In 1982 the business became a limited liability company and since April 2000 the company has been directed by Dominique Thomas. The Manufacture d’Orgues Thomas now has a staff of 14 and carries out all the stages of the construction or restoration of organs: keyboards, cases, wood carvings, soundboards, bellows, action, wooden and metal pipes, voicing, … In 45 years, 130 new instruments have left this workshop, which draws its inspiration from old instruments. The company also did about 40 restorations of 18th and 19 century organs. If you want to see the most remarquable realisations please visit our link to the references.

Nos ateliers réalisent tous les composants d’un orgue, buffets et éléments sculptés, tuyaux en étain et en bois, sommiers, soufflets, claviers, commandes mécaniques, harmonisation, accord …
Dans la construction d’un nouvel orgue, le facteur personnalise son œuvre et lui donne son caractère propre et unique.
Chaque instrument est une nouvelle découverte.
Dans la restauration, la démarche est fondamentalement différente. Le facteur fera abstraction de ses goûts personnels pour restaurer ou reconstituer les éléments manquants détériorés dans un profond respect et la meilleure connaissance possible de la facture originelle.

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