Dusan works with children of elementary schools (in Serbia), master class in Kyrgyzstan (2016)
Imagine we don’t’ know anything about it… can you describe your profession?
Marquetry is the beauty of the manufacturing work and creation – creation that transforms the natural chaoticness of texture and color of wood into art.In seemingly simple craftsmanship, skill is gained with endless improvement and patience.
What materials do you use?
The most varied types of high-quality natural veneer.
Who is you ideal client’s profile?
Every client who has an expressive sense of ars vivendi. It is a decision of self-proving, that I can from “nothing” and create “something”.
Would you define your job a passion? What is the best moment you had in your job?
My own passion – that through me and my work shine beauty of nature – the beauty of wood. Every award and recognition is precious, but, obtaining the Certificate of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Serbia is probably the most significant professional moment. Also, all the curious children’s eyes – which in my master classes acquainted with one beautiful craft technique.
What rule do “talent”, “know-how” and “creativity” play in your profession?
My impression is, after several decades of dealing with this craft, that talents are a significant but smaller part of the marquetry creation process. 20% is talenat, 20% is in veneer quality and everything else is in the process itself, in cerfecting my own techniques.
And what about innovation, what are the changes since you started? Do you use new materials, tools, processes, marketing, … How could your profession be more innovative?
The Marquetry technique, in terms of materials, tools or processes, can not be too innovated – the space for innovation as seen in the synthesis of marquetry technique with other craft techniques (filigree, ceramics, woodcarving etcetc) and the creation of new artifacts and artworks (created in that synthesis) . The idea was formed in touch with excellent craftsmen from around the world at Muscat International Festival for Arts, Heritage and Creativity, Oman 2014.
Where and how long did you train before you were ready for creating your business? Imagine that you want to invite young generations to choose your profession, what would be your message to them?
My most important experience, which I would like to convey to a younger generation, is that every man possesses some talents – that persevering work and developing your own creativity leads you to a better man in yourself. A better and more creative man who creates the beauty, creates a better and more beautiful world. At the same time, marquetry technique as creative work with wood, most directly connects us with nature.
MESSAGE: In Conclusion, write a quote, a meaningful experience or a personal reflection that you would like to share with us and explain why.
“He who works with his hands is a laborer. He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman.He who works Ðith his hands and his head and his heart is an artist.” Francis of AssisiÐhe ideal of my craft creation is to be in the original non-articulated beautiful wood expresses heart and emotion,Únd create a heart emotion in another human being.
To know more about this craftsman, see his profile