Visit of Musée Charlier – Step n. 12. Mount the stairs up to the first floor, it will be difficult not to notice the brightness of the chandeliers above your head, whose light plays with its surroundings.
The lighting manufacturer excels in three disciplines: creation, restoration, and reissuing of antique models. It offers classy replicas or modern items made from a wide range of materials, including wood, synthetic resin, paper, fabric, plants, glass, ceramics, plants, iron, bronze, and crystal.
The maker of the chandelier or light fixture may be a writer-artist, a self-employed craftsperson, a worker for a corporation, or a civil servant. Wrought iron is the primary material used in the manufacture of chandeliers and other items that require exceptional strength and durability. Cold or hot work can be done on wrought iron. Only in the latter scenario, where temperatures can reach up to 900°C, are more unique shapes possible. The material may shatter if the temperature is too low, and it may melt or even burn if the temperature is too high. The iron is pounded on the anvil and shaped into the proper shape once the proper temperature is reached and the colour is either red or white. Then, welding is used to unite the various shapes.