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General presentation

Manuel Faustino Fernández combines traditional craftsmanship with technological innovation to create unique pieces that stand out for their precision and creativity. His creative process begins with digital design, where every detail is meticulously planned using advanced tools that transform ideas into tangible projects. These tools not only expand the boundaries of what is possible but also optimize the workflow from the initial design to the final product.

His approach is distinguished by the ability to integrate modern materials, such as high-resolution resins, with artisanal techniques that ensure a flawless finish. Although the technical stages of the process benefit from technology, Manuel keeps the essence of traditional craftsmanship alive, adding a personal and exclusive touch to each piece.

In addition to his creative work, Manuel is a passionate educator. Through his courses, he aims to share his knowledge with a new generation of artisans, teaching them not only the necessary techniques to create jewelry and personalized pieces but also how to develop their own creative independence. His goal is to help students materialize their ideas and successfully tackle the technical and creative challenges of contemporary artisanal design.


Manuel Faustino Fernández combine la tradition artisanale avec l’innovation technologique pour créer des pièces uniques qui se distinguent par leur précision et leur créativité. Son processus créatif commence par un design numérique, où chaque détail est soigneusement planifié à l’aide d’outils avancés qui transforment les idées en projets concrets. Ces outils élargissent non seulement les limites du possible, mais optimisent également le flux de travail, du design initial au produit final.

Son approche se distingue par la capacité à intégrer des matériaux modernes, comme des résines haute résolution, avec des techniques artisanales qui garantissent une finition impeccable. Bien que les étapes techniques du processus bénéficient de la technologie, Manuel préserve l’essence de l’artisanat traditionnel en ajoutant une touche personnelle et exclusive à chaque pièce.

En plus de son travail créatif, Manuel est un éducateur passionné. À travers ses cours, il cherche à transmettre ses connaissances à une nouvelle génération d’artisans, leur enseignant non seulement les techniques nécessaires pour fabriquer des bijoux et des pièces personnalisées, mais aussi à développer leur propre autonomie créative. Son objectif est d’aider les étudiants à concrétiser leurs idées et à relever avec succès les défis techniques et créatifs du design artisanal contemporain.

Manuel Faustino Fernández combina la tradición artesanal con la innovación tecnológica para crear piezas únicas que destacan por su precisión y creatividad. Su proceso creativo parte del diseño digital, donde cada detalle se planifica con herramientas avanzadas que permiten transformar ideas en proyectos tangibles. Estas herramientas no solo amplían los límites de lo posible, sino que también optimizan el flujo de trabajo, desde el diseño inicial hasta la producción final.  

Su enfoque destaca por la capacidad de integrar el uso de materiales modernos, como resinas de alta resolución, con técnicas artesanales que garantizan un acabado impecable. Aunque las etapas técnicas del proceso se ven beneficiadas por la tecnología, Manuel mantiene viva la esencia de la artesanía tradicional, aportando un toque personal y exclusivo a cada pieza.  

Además de su trabajo creativo, Manuel es un apasionado educador. A través de sus cursos, busca transmitir su conocimiento a una nueva generación de artesanos, enseñándoles no solo las técnicas necesarias para fabricar joyas y piezas personalizadas, sino también a desarrollar su propia autonomía creativa. Su objetivo es que los alumnos aprendan a materializar sus ideas y a enfrentar con éxito los desafíos técnicos y creativos que conlleva el diseño artesanal en el mundo contemporáneo.  


Manuel Faustino Fernández combina la tradizione artigianale con l’innovazione tecnologica per creare pezzi unici che si distinguono per precisione e creatività. Il suo processo creativo inizia con il design digitale, in cui ogni dettaglio viene pianificato meticolosamente utilizzando strumenti avanzati che trasformano le idee in progetti tangibili. Questi strumenti non solo ampliano i confini del possibile, ma ottimizzano anche il flusso di lavoro, dal design iniziale al prodotto finale.

Il suo approccio si distingue per la capacità di integrare materiali moderni, come le resine ad alta risoluzione, con tecniche artigianali che garantiscono una finitura impeccabile. Sebbene le fasi tecniche del processo traggano vantaggio dalla tecnologia, Manuel mantiene viva l’essenza dell’artigianato tradizionale, aggiungendo a ogni pezzo un tocco personale ed esclusivo.

Oltre al suo lavoro creativo, Manuel è un educatore appassionato. Attraverso i suoi corsi, si impegna a trasmettere il suo sapere a una nuova generazione di artigiani, insegnando loro non solo le tecniche necessarie per realizzare gioielli e pezzi personalizzati, ma anche a sviluppare la propria indipendenza creativa. Il suo obiettivo è aiutare gli studenti a concretizzare le loro idee e affrontare con successo le sfide tecniche e creative del design artigianale contemporaneo.


El Centro Europeo de Joyería y gemología concede a Manuel Faustino Fernández el certificado de haber superado las pruebas de experto en fabricaciónbde joyería


Business Areas




Description of my profession, products, services, experience, and knowledge

I am a jeweler-creator specialized in custom pieces, with over 25 years of experience in the field. For 10 years, I have worked as a jewelry teacher and have been the workshop manager in two limited companies. I have always remained close to both research and personal production. More than 20 apprentices have passed through my workshop. I also participated for two years as one of the 12 experts in INCUAL (Institute for New Professional Training: gemology, jewelry, watchmaking, and costume jewelry).

The jewelry sector is undergoing an important transformation due to the integration of new technologies. These advances will change the professional landscape, and while few professionals will combine traditional craftsmanship with technology, in-depth knowledge of the craft will be more valuable than ever. A clear example is the concept of noble metal: it is almost pure metal (999.9999999), and if a solder is added, it is no longer pure metal but two, with different chemical properties, making it impossible for them to have the same color. These details will have significant professional consequences.

Why did I choose this profession, and when did it start to interest me?

My interest in jewelry began while I was studying philosophy. At first, it was just a way to earn some money, but over time, it became my true passion. Everything we accumulate in our contemporary knowledge, combined with our cultural background, is materialized in the results we create, whether in a singular object, a painting, or a plate of food. Creativity has many paths, and for me, jewelry is one of the most fascinating.

Who are my main clients?

Currently, most of my clients are private individuals, seeking both custom pieces and other collections of mine. I have also worked with heritage, jewelry stores (mainly in design), and all kinds of clients, including musicians, institutions, bikers, tourists, and more.

The materials I most commonly use and where I buy them

I mainly work with silver (and gold on request), as well as semi-precious stones. The silver I use is refined through environmentally friendly methods.

The techniques and tools I use in my work for production and commercialization

I use all the traditional jewelry techniques, and for the last 15 years, I have incorporated digital tools. I design everything in 3D using programs like Rhinoceros and Matrix, and I have worked with 3D printers and 5-axis milling machines. Currently, I have a 3D printer, as the future of jewelry lies in these technologies, which offer much greater definition.

My opinion on the evolution of my profession: innovative or at risk of extinction?

Jewelry may be the craft that will most notably feel the effects of technological changes. Broadly speaking, the first major change was the use of fire, which allowed metals to be shaped and joined. Chemistry has also played a key role, leading to the laws and carats of metals. Since 1993, for example, regulations have been put in place regarding soldering, and metals like bismuth, which lowers the melting point of metals, are prohibited.

Today, a 925 silver piece with several solder joints will never reach the correct carat value due to the altered chemical properties. However, technologies like laser soldering, 3D design, and 3D printers allow for the creation of pieces with precise characteristics. Despite these advances, with gold, the issue is different: although the carat value may be correct, it is still two metals, which makes them impossible to have the same color, a chemical impossibility.

New technologies are a significant step forward but will bring profound changes in how we understand and produce jewelry.

How I learned and became a professional

My journey began as entirely self-taught, but later I learned from friends, other workshops, and then spent two years at the School of Mines in Oviedo, where I took a jewelry course and another in setting. Even with my experience, I continue learning every day, which is something that deeply motivates me.

My recommendations to young people interested in my profession

Jewelry is a passionate craft that requires constant research and continuous learning. Today, with new digital tools, creativity has no limits. The only limit is our imagination.


Jeweler / Fine Jewelry maker, Jeweler and/or Jewelry designer (Costume jewelry - fashion jewelry)
Jewellery 3d design
  • XTRAS-pichi
  • From 06/05/2024 to 12/05/2024
  • Flexible dates
  • Salinas, United States
The training will be given by: Pichi (Manuel faustino fernández fernández) more than 30 years of trade. 10 years of teaching, expert in 3D design and new manufacturing techniques. Anyone can do this course, without previous knowledge of computers or jewelry. It is only necessary to know what you want to do. At the end […]

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