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From the idea to the piece
Since 1988 I work with wood. I love to discover inconspicuous woods with their structure, color and smell. I use local woods for my work. Sometimes I immediately know what’s going to happen out of one piece. Often it is a long process to make an idea become real.

The shape of the wood speaks a language, the structure and the strength show possibilities and impossibilities. The type of deformation during drying and the depth effect of the finely ground surfaces is determined by the type of wood. I am fascinated by color and surface contrasts, such as black-silver and rugged-smooth. All the knowledge about the wood acquired over decades plays a role in the creative process. The material is spotted again and again and eventually the idea and the material meet at the right time to begin.

The turning
In rapid cuts, the blank is preprocessed. The machine runs quietly, without play and powerful. Hissing, the sharp tool blade cuts the wood, which is reflected in chips that often fly for several meters. I work out the form roughly and then the final shape is finished with fine cuts. When turn-by-turn a chip is lifted, it is both meditative and exciting. If you turn wood translucent and could break out a fraction at any moment, this will be taken to extremes.

Many works are provided with a finely ground and silky glossy oiled surface. Every sanding cycle and every oil layer must be carefully concentrated. Slowly the effect on the final surface  begins to become visible.

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  • Artigiani
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  • Artigiani
  • Decorazione - architettura d'interni +3
  • Amburgo, Germania

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